These blog posts are more boring to write. What do I say? I went to a lot of museums and saw the city.
There were a bunch of museums in the same area so I started there. I went to Skansen, the open air museum and amusement park, with one of my hostelmates. It was pretty expansive and I don't think I was ready for how cold it was. We saw a lot but also kinda rushed/ran through the end.
Here's my hostelmate Khalil from Tunisia. |
It's a little eerie seeing an abandoned amusement park. |
Peacocks. Although they're not a rare sight in San Gabriel Valley. |
After this was the Vasa Museum, which is one of Stockholm's most famous museums. I thought it was really cool, but after the Fram Museum in Oslo, where you could actually go on the boat, I was a bit jaded. I think the Vasa is larger than the Fram, though.
Spiritmusum and the Absolut Art Collection
It was pretty small but I think part of it may have been closed, since it was winter. There was an exhibition of Keith Haring's work and its impact on other artists. I didn't get a picture of it, but there was a hangover room, where you walk in and it demonstrates what a hangover feels like.
This very trippy video with music playing. Strangeness. |
Even though it wasn't included in the city card, I couldn't go to Stockholm and not go to the ABBA Museum. I'm not a huge ABBA fan, but this was pretty cool to see. I couldn't get any of the boys to go to the museum with me. After this, I had "Take a Chance on Me" stuck in my head.
I learned about the Eurovision Song Contest, which is huge there. It's like their Super Bowl! |
They had these booths with Swedish music from each decade.
This is my favorite group of decades. I learned that Eagle Eye Cherry is Swedish too!
Mamma Mia stuff |
Lots and lots of costumes. |
You sit here |
This was the last museum of the day. It started raining, which I wasn't ready for. Met a lot of great people at night and learned how difficult it is to get into bars when you're with someone who is super drunk. Fun night!